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Fire Departments

Butler Township's fire protection is provided through the joint cooperation of the Winona Fire Department and the Damascus Fire Department.  These fire departments are funded through a voted fire levy.  No members receive a salary, all are volunteers.


Winona Fire Department

Emergency  911

Non-emergency (330) 222-1524

  The Winona Fire Department (WFD) provides fire protection to Butler and Salem Township primarily from Georgetown Road to State Route 45 which is about 32 square miles.  The Department assists also on medical calls.  The station is located on Whinnery Road in Winona.  The Department averages 160 calls annually. 


The Winona Fire Department has a roster of 30 members.  The Department is led by Chief George Brantingham.  In addition to the chief, there is one assistant chief, Dan Dustman, one captain, Thom Ewing and two lieutenants, Kevin Gardner and Brandon Good.  

The WFD is always interested in taking applications from residents who want to become active firefighters with the Department. 

                 Winona Fire Department Emergency Number Disconnection






Damascus Fire Department

Emergency (330) 537-2222 or 911

Non-emergency (330) 537-2080

The Damascus Fire Department, Inc.(DFD) is a department that takes pride in its ability to provide fire protection and full EMS services in a two county area (Mahoning and Columbiana). DFD provides fire protection for all of Goshen Township and the north part of Butler Township. EMS services are provided to all of Goshen and Butler township communities. Based on an agreement with the North Georgetown Fire Department, EMS services are also provided to the eastern part of Knox Township (from Knox-School Rd east). The department runs about 500 calls annually.


DFD operates out of two stations, one on St. Rt. 534 near the Columbiana-Mahoning county line and one on Stratton Rd. in Goshen Township. Between the two stations, the department is comprised of 30 members (25 firefighters, 3 paramedics, and 19 EMTs).  Currently, DFD is lead by Chief George Vernon.  In addition to the chief, the Department has one assistant chief, Shawn Mesler; one Captain, Mike Thorne; and one Lieutenant, Jeremy McCammon.


The department is always looking for new members. Those members of the community interested in joining can check out the website and click on the"join our department" tab.



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